Filtering in the Time and Frequency Domains
AUTHOR: Herman J. Blinchikoff
AUTHOR: Anatol I. Zverev
FORMAT: Hardcover, 520 pages
PUBLISHED: Reprint, 2001
ISBN: 1-884932-17-7
Long regarded as a classic of filter theory and design, this book stands as the most comprehensive treatment of filtering techniques, devices and concepts as well as pertinent mathematical relationships. Analysis and theory are supplemented by detailed design curves, fully explained examples and problem and answer sections. Discussed are the derivation of filtering functions, Fourier, Laplace, Hilbert and z transforms, lowpass responses, the transformation of lowpass into other filter types, the all-pass function, the effect of losses on theoretical responses, matched filtering, methods of time-domain synthesis, and digital filtering. This book is invaluable for engineers other than those who are filter design specialists who need to know about the possibilities and limits of the filtering process in order to use filters competently and confidently in their system designs.
- Time-Domain Analysis
- Frequency-Domain Analysis
- Linear Systems Responses
- Frequency Transformations
- All-Pass Functions
- Finite-Q Elements and Predistortion
- Optimum Linear Filtering
- Time-Domain Operations
- Digital Filtering
- Answers to Problems
- Index
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