Microwave Transmission Lines and Their Physical Realizations
AUTHOR: Steven L. March
Given the choice of transmission line styles and media for circuit and system construction, these tapes review the performance and design parameters of several alternative lines. The course details the necessary algorithms, their limitations and their accuracy for fabricating components or subsystems using these transmission line media. The course also covers lumped element capacitor, inductor and resistor components, particularly as they are used in monolithic microwave integrated circuits. Slotline, not included in the video presentation, is described in the accompanying 341-page course notes.
Six one-hour CDs cover the following topics:
Session One
- Striplines
- Coupled striplines
- Suspended substrate striplines
Session Two
- Coplanar Waveguide
- Microstrip
- Dispersion
- Anisotropic substrates
- Coupled microstrip
Session Three
- Losses in microstrip
- Discontinuities
- Lumped element models
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